Sunday, October 26, 2014

a hiatus

      One of the advantages of having literally no one that regularly keeps up with blog is not worrying too much about constantly updating it. I've been incredible busy lately - I'm in my junior year of school, so studying and schoolwork have consumed many of my hours, and it's paying off...sort of. Despite the constant stress, I am getting my homework done and I have found that, fortunately, I am one of those few who can function normally on around six hours of sleep. Or is it just the adrenaline? I'll never know. I do want to try to keep updating this blog, though, since it's fun and helps me channel my creativity and organize my life a bit. Since autumn soccer is over (bittersweet), I just need a new memory card for my camera and a way to sort out my time better...

     A few weeks ago I stumbled upon this interesting piece about Ivy League Schools, and it was, well, interesting. It helped me view the American Education System a little differently. 

While explaining the cons of Ivy League schools, Deresiewcz also points out the amount of injustice and inequality that America displays through its education system. He concludes: We recognize that free, quality K–12 education is a right of citizenship. We also need to recognizeas we once did and as many countries still dothat the same is true of higher education. We have tried aristocracy. We have tried meritocracy. Now it’s time to try democracy.

     While I understand Deresiewicz's viewpoint, this is also rather controversial and debatable. He supported his final statement incredibly well, but a problem does remain: different people have different capabilities. In his conclusion, Deresiewcz seems to assume that everyone is equally capable of great intellect and education, but unfortunately, this is not true. There are different kinds of intelligence: mathematical, artistic, pragmatic, philosophical, etc. Everyone has their own unique manner of thought and abilities; however, assuming that we are all in fact equal in terms of ability is erroneous and even detrimental to American society. It can lead to conformism, and if we force everyone to learn the same things at the same rate and in the same way, then there will be no leaders, no people who are stronger and more capable that can take charge. As a result, American society will not be able improve. Human beings will not be motivated or allowed to be successful.  Equality is a great idea, but it cannot be enforced on society to the point where the society stops improving. We need stronger, smarter, and more capable people who can take lead. As a result, better schools of learning are required to hone the skills of those who are more capable. Nonetheless, Deresiewcz's essay is excellent and makes some important points. I support many forms of equality, but equality to the point where nothing is better or worse sounds like a terrible idea, and even dystopian. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

a little springtime inspiration on polyvore ft. American Apparel

here's a set I recently put together for spring!! I'd say it's really inspired by American Apparel and what they post on Instagram - they have perfect clothes

You can check me out on Polyvore

I remember buying and wearing their high waisted shorts a while back, and while I've now outgrown them, they were literally a great fit and they went with basically everything. I loved wearing them!! Definitely going to buy myself a new pair soon...

so its finally spring

Literally counting down the days until summer - I miss it so much!! :( No school, total freedom, ice cream, and shorts... what's not to love? A few flashbacks, thanks to Instagram -


On the flight to Oregon - flying on airplanes is one of my favorite things to do

Arial view of California - I plan to visit LA or San Francisco someday...

Bubble tea, in Portland, OR!! Personally, I don't think it's that great, the "bubbles" were kind of gross. Or maybe that's just the store??

Anyway, I don't actually post on here that often, partly because I'm too lazy and my life is boring and I can't get online that often because of school... only 73 more days until it's over for me (haha yes I'm literally counting down the days)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

going out to eat tonight holla

   So I'm going out to the Cheesecake Factory to eat with a few friends, and I saw it as an opportunity to  go rummaging through my closet for a few dresses!! I found this adorable one from a while ago that I had never really gotten the chance to wear until tonight!!

For some reason the quality came out weird in this one...

...And yes that is a map of the solar system from my phase where I was obsessed with outer space (I still kind of am)

Anyway, tomorrow is Monday :( I still have quite a bit of studying to get done before the chaos that is tomorrow. I hope anyone reading this has a fab week!! 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

How Artsy

   I'm obsessed with Emmi's sketches right now - her art is so interesting! You can find her at

This is such a cute series of sketches by Emmi, and relatable as well. I've tried drawing, and some say that I'm actually quite good at it, but art is too frustrating and I'm too much of a perfectionist to stick to it... oh well

Oops ft. Style Inspiration

   School and family and life in general has kept me from updating this blog recently, but anyway I plan to make more of an effort to consistently make posts on it. Although I love love love clothes and fashion and all that jazz, school and family always come first, however, it has paid off! Yesterday, I scored 96% on my AP biology class test, which gave me an extremely satisfying feeling.

   Anyway, I had to post about how obsessed I am with Rebecca of The Clothes Horse!! She runs such an amazing blog and I literally adore her style so much.

This was her most recent post - she has a great taste in books!

This was taken with her boyfriend, and they make the most adorable couple 

So basically, I idolize her style. Her pictures and outfits remind me of poetry and she is so pretty and nice too. I remember messaging her a little while ago and she replied with incredibly helpful advice. I hope she continues posting for a while; I don't know what I would do without her and her blog!